Hi Ms. Pam, When you do the Peanut Butter Treats, we would LOVE one. I have Junaid (JuJu) who will be 3 next month and has been loving baby wordplay since about 8 months old & Sabreen who is 3 months old and already loves listening with her big brother and doing the finger plays you teach us. Thanks! Sahar Sharcmmngs@gmail.com
Helloooo Auntie Pam, we would LOVE A peanut butter treat. I have Ama who is 21 months and has been listening to baby wordplay since about 3-4 months old. Thank you so much for committing to this and hopefully you have found a sustainable way to do this while enjoying “you” time and grand baby time. Sincerely Tee (tacheam@gmail.com)
Hi Miss Pam, I wasn’t sure how to reply to your comment so I’m sorry to open a new thread. Amelia’s favorite songs are “The More We Get Together” (she’ll do some signs together with the songs) and “Itsy Bitsy Spide” (which she also likes to move her hands with). Thank you for the offering! Regards, Xingyan
Hi, Ms. Pam, I also couldn’t figure out how to answer your question. Juju loves when you sing Tangelayo, he loves animals. He will love anything you prepare, so surprise us. My baby who’s almost 4 months has loved when we do the finger play to “Open, Shut Them.” We are so excited.
It's been so much fun recording a special message for your little ones. If you haven't yet sent me the name/s of your child/ren and their favorite songs or themes, please do that by this Sunday,19th. Send these details and I will send you the treat by the end of next week. These treats are a thank YOU from ME for subscribing to the podcast. Be well! Miss Pam
This note is for anyone who would like a special, personalized Peanut Butter Treat for their little one - if you haven't yet received one. I will be sending out the final ones over the next few days. *What I need from you: Your child or children's name(s) and age(s). Let me know how to pronounce names please! Their favorite songs, rhymes, books, themes from the podcast. The email address to which you would like the recording sent. Please send no later than the end of the day today. Thank you!
Hi Miss Pam! My daughter, Soul, loves your podcast! Her favorite song is the peanut butter song and mamas little baby dances. She loves any song that includes clapping. A personalized message from you would be such a treat! She's only 6 months old but I know it would mean so much to heras she grows. My email is edwardszoe00@gmail.com Thank you! Zoë
Hi Miss Pam! My son, Wednesday, loves your podcast! I called him Wednesday because he was born on a Wednesday and I love the little girl named Wednesday in the Adams Family movie. He is 5 months and new to your podcast. His favorite song is the peanut butter song and mama's little baby loves dancing. A personalized message from you would be such a treat! My email is amber.zhangying@foxmail.com Thank you! Amber