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with Miss Pam's Small Talk Baby Podcast

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Where can I get the Lyric sheets?

Peanut Butter Treat

Hi Ms. Pam, When you do the Peanut Butter Treats, we would LOVE one. I have Junaid (JuJu) who will be 3 next month and has been loving baby wordplay since about 8 months old & Sabreen who is 3 months old and already loves listening with her big brother and doing the finger plays you teach us. Thanks! Sahar

Peanut butter treat

Helloooo Auntie Pam, we would LOVE A peanut butter treat. I have Ama who is 21 months and has been listening to baby wordplay since about 3-4 months old. Thank you so much for committing to this and hopefully you have found a sustainable way to do this while enjoying “you” time and grand baby time. Sincerely Tee (

Peanut butter treat

Would love a peanut butter treat for my twin 1 year old girls - Catherine and Elizabeth!


Thanks for you the offering. Our Baby’s name is Amelia, pronounced as /əˈmiːli.ə/, /əˈmiːljə/ or ah-mee-lee-uh. Thank you!